Sunday, January 6, 2013

Content - adjective: a state of peacful happiness

Content - adjective:  a state of peaceful happiness.

The last few weeks have been, like for many widows, a difficult time.  While memories swirl around us always, and the most unexpected thing can turn a perfectly "normal" day into a whirlwind of emotion and pain, those moments seem to come up more frequently with the holidays.   Any little seemingly inconsequential thing can turn into a trigger.

For me the anticipation of days has always turned out to be the actual day itself.  With one exception.  I remember all of the "firsts", Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays etc.   Weeks before I would begin to become agitated at the slightest things and worried endlessly what was going to happen and how we would all feel.  Then the actual days would come and they really weren't great, but also no where near as bad as I had anticipated.  Gradually over the past 5 years I have learned to try not to anticipate them too much, to just kind of go along and realize that like it or not the days were going to come.  And most likely I would survive, and wake up the next morning having gotten through one more of "those days". 

My one exception?   New Years Eve/ New Years Day.  For me that continues to be THE most difficult day.   You see, Dave proposed to me just after midnight that first year we were dating.  He asked me to "spend all of our New Years Eve's together for the rest of our lives".  Little did I know that would be just 15 more New Years Eves.  I have dreaded each and everyone since he died;  and each and everyone has been just as miserable as I anticipated.    

This year both my kids were invited out, both to sleep overs.  I was invited to both houses but declined.  I knew that even 5 New Years Eves later it is just too much.  I worked all day New Years Even Day.  A saw 6 patients, each of whom asked me my plans.  And each time it was all I could do to hold back the tears and say I was "just staying in", all the while thinking about how Dave had proposed to me and what a special evening it SHOULD have been.

But in I stayed.  I went to bed early and slept in late the next morning.  And it was over.   Two days later was my birthday and my kids did a wonderful job of wishing me a happy birthday as soon as they woke up, took me out to dinner and really made me happy and proud to be their mom.   Then came this weekend which we had pretty jam packed with activity.  Friday night we ran errands and had dinner out.  Yesterday we spent a wonderful day in NY City visiting a widow friend I have made through Camp Widow and 3 of her children. We got in after midnight last night/this morning, exhausted but after a very fun filled day.  I  knew I had to get to bed quickly as I had tickets today to take my daughter to see "Les Miserable" in Phila. 

And that is when it hit me.  Despite the difficulty of the holidays, despite my dislike of New Years Eve, I had had several really nice days, a wonderful visit with a dear friend and as I climbed into bed I realized I was happy.  But more than that I was content.  I have had many happy days over the last 4 1/2 years.  Increasingly more as time has gone on.  But this is the first time that I felt not just happy for a moment, but actually content.  As the definition I found says, In a state of PEACEFUL HAPPINESS. 

And you know what?  It feels GOOD!!!  Now I don't want to be negative and say that it won't last.   But I have been on this roller coaster long enough to know that things can and will change whether we like them  to or not.  BUT I also know that for the first time in 4 1/2 years I have felt content.  And that if I have felt it once, I can feel it again.  I don't know how long this is going to last.  But I sure as heck am going to enjoy it while it does.   I it gives me hope that this feeling still exists, and even if it disappears for awhile it might just come back again.  And that I know is what it is all about.Having hope.   And, sometimes, that hope comes in a state of peaceful happiness!!!!

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