Cast and Crew

Husband - Dave,  9 years my senior.   Smart, funny, devoted to his family.   Volunteered extensively in the community and for church.   Spent the first 25 years of his professional life in health care.  At age 50 became a high school teacher (high risk students in an "alternate" setting) and basketball coach.  Father to 3 beautiful daughters and one handsome son.   Loved basketball, avid jogger - jogging 5 miles a day.  When he could no longer run due to his disease took up bicycling, averaged 6-12 miles a day, up to and including 2 weeks before his death.   Enlisted into the Army during the Vietnam War (not drafted);  multiple myeloma was most likely related to his exposure to Agent Orange while in Vietnam.  My best friend.

Wife - that would be me, Beth.  A pediatric physical therapist for most of my professional life - currently doing a combination of pediatrics and adult home care.  Mom to 2, step mom to 2 and "mom mom" to the cutest little grandson one could imagine!   At one time my hobbies included cooking, sewing, knitting, and reading.  Then I had children.  Now my hobbies include driving my children around, driving my children around and driving my children around.  With a little bit of sewing dance costumes thrown in.

D1 - Dave's oldest, just entering college when we were married.  Now married herself, works  in marketing for a major jeweler in our area.   Lives close by.   Wonderful big sis to her sibings and Auntie to her nephew.  We have a great relationship - I am one lucky stepmom.

D2, next in line.   Was just starting high school when we were married.   Now married, works full time, but mostly from home and mom to the cutest little boy (now 4 1/2 years old ) you could ask for.   Also a great big sis to her sibs, and a great friend to me - did I mention what a lucky stepmom I am????

D3, my "triple threat" singing, dancing, acting daughter, currently a junior in College, double major musical theater and dance.  Blessedly she is close enough that I can still see most of her performances.   A gentle, sensitive, kind young lady.  Did I mention beautiful?  Could not be prouder of her accomplishments

S1, well the only S,  baby of the family  Smart and funny like his dad.  BUT, incredibly lazy.  Hoped that improved when he headed to high school.  Just finished his junior year, hasn't improved much.  Enjoys watching sports (sometimes playing), playing guitar, plays in our church Praise Band.  Sensitive, can be incredibly kind and caring - loves kids.  Interested in pursuing a career in sports journalism.

Scooter, our 13 year old yellow lab.   55 lbs, but thinks she's a lap dog, was her Daddy's "sweet girl".

Harry, our 13 year old cat.   Fat.  the only way to describe him, really, just FAT.  Dave was not a big fan of the cats.

Jimmer our 3 year old cat, named by my son after the basketball player Jimmer Fredette.   Adorable, playful, very athletic - climbs walls, jumps on the fireplace mantel, scales screen doors.  Despite his athletic prowness his dad probably would still do slightly more than tolerate him, but we love him (Dave was a "dog" sort of person, not a "cat person", that would be me

McCartney (yes named after Sir Paul) our 3 year old cat.  Such a love bug. Rescued him from Humane Society when he was almost 2. Would spend all day on my lap if we let him.

Rocky.  2 year old beagle, just recently rescued.. Clearly abused in his former situation.  Slowly learning to trust us. Such a cutie.


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